AI Visual Analysis

Using the latest visual artificial intelligence technology you can analysis the performance of your e-commerce designs to ensure the best position brand performance. With e-commerce heat maps and photo analytics your images can work harder for less.

Gut feeling and artistic prowess will only get you so far

Using visual artificial intelligence and heat map technology, we can reveal which designs motivate shoppers to not only view but buy your products. Visually compare your designs to competitors, create benchmarks and drive sales with designs that are proven to work with your audience. 

Visual artifical intelligence

What's included in our Image Analytics Audit?

Benchmark Analysis

Our team of e-commerce experts will take your images along with your competitors to create a benchmark of your performance against your chosen audience. 

From here, we will be able to see where your e-commerce designs and photography perform, and rank compared to your competitors. 

Design Optimisation

Using heat map technology and AI visual analysis, our team of experienced designers will test and learn to update the images to ensure your designs beat the competition and connect with your audience as much as possible. We will analysis hundreds of variations of images to ensure the best possible outcome. 

Design Audit & Implementation

Our findings are then collated into an in-depth design audit that highlights the opportunity to improve brand performance on the digital shelf. Including the image and photo analytics, heat map analysis and competitor ranking. 

The optimal designs will be ready for implementation to increase sales online.  

93% of consumers say visuals are the key deciding factor in a purchase decision

Heat Map and image analytics

Find out how your consumers see and feel about your designs

Elevate your visual content strategy, recognising that having the right imagery is now imperative. This powerful audit enables you to measure and optimise visual content, ensuring it not only captures attention but also converts the audiences you value. Break free from the ordinary and optimize your images to motivate shoppers, drive clicks and purchases across various e-commerce marketplaces 

Heat Map UI Design Audit for E-commerce

Increase the conversion power of your product listings

Utilising cutting-edge technology, we can assess your products’ effectiveness in immediately capturing attention. Through statistical evidence, brands can pinpoint specific areas within their e-commerce content that may require improvement to genuinely captivate the attention of shoppers. 

Start Your Data Journey

To start enhancing your brand performance and ROAS through AI-powered insights contact us today. Encompassing image trends, competitive content analysis, advanced visual content tactics, and real-time testing our AI visual audits can help you accelerate sales on Amazon, eBay, Walmart and more.